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Be a citizen !

16 juillet 2006


Je souhaite etre un citoyen actif, critiquer et proposer a la fois.

Les domaines abordes seront l environement, les choix economiques et sociaux dans nos societes modernes etc... Ce blog s interessera principalement a 2 domaines: la politique francaise et la situation mondiale en general. Le monologue ne m interesse pas (vous non plus a priori).

J ecrirai de maniere breve. Ce blog est une reaction a ce qui me revolte, me desespere. Mais est aussi une facon de vous proposer des idees et d engager le debat.

Merci d etre reactifs et creatifs, et avant tout ouverts d esprits.

(Merlin, 24 ans, actuellement travaillant a Tokyo dans l industrie automobile)

This blog has only one purpose : express ideas and take a part of debate; any debate related to our lives. In short, being a citizen. There are too much abuses nowadays, concerning current democracy state, the environmental issues, the capitalism power over peoples rights etc...

I am no one. Just a young french guy getting more and more concerned about the general situation of the world. And due to my education, to the informations I get, due to my morals concerns dealing with a certain idea of Good, Justice and Wealth, I want to be a voice. To communicate with people. And try to change things, even a little bit. Because building the future we want is our daily responsability.

This blog is gonna be divided into 2 parts: general issues and France national issues. Both related to themes as environment, economy, democracy...

My objectives are to critize things that I judge as non acceptable, to think about problems reasons, to propose solutions, but also to relate other people ideas and debate.

Thanks for comments.

Merlin (24 years old, currently working in Tokyo for automotive industry)

Be a citizen !